Go digital or go home

By Kathy Kyle Bonomini, Co-Founder

Originally composed for Instagram (hence all of the icons) as part of my series on Digitally Transforming the High Street. I’m featuring brilliant accounts who are doing it well - featuring shops, shopkeepers, and doing digital beautifully. Follow along on Instagram.

🛍 The percentage of total retail sales conducted online has dropped to 28 percent in August, according to ONS (from a high of 33% in July). With shoppers planning their holiday lists, now is the time for local shops to get online and capture their share of the market - whether that is via e-commerce, instagram, facebook, or digital content marketing.

🎯 Looking to keep up with your #ShopLocal campaign? I am highlighting accounts and brands that catch my attention, but this morning as I sent a belated birthday pressie to my best friend - and needed a card to go with it - I was chatting with my shopkeeper friend who mentioned that she had a busy day ahead. While we chatted, I created an editorial calendar on the spot for her. I love her brilliant gift shop and just rattled off what she could do to feature her brilliant products, gift services, etc.

📢 When I do social media training, I am often asked, why do I need an #editorialcalendar, and what does it look like? Why I am so glad you asked.

An editorial calendar essentially keeps your social media feeds full and relevant. It also ensures your audience is engaged and submitting content to you as aligned with your content strategy. This simple calendar will feed your audience and should be aligned with your goals, brand and value proposition. Sometimes you can divide your content into evergreen content and into campaign-based content. If you’ve done your homework (brand platform, messages, themes) - everything will align to your goals as a company or organisation and your editorial calendar will keep your audience engaged and if executed properly, feeding you content.

✅ So here’s a simple editorial calendar for a lovely #giftshop - be sure to use high-quality images, hashtags, and branded hashtags.

🤗 Monday: Shop’s closed but we’re open online! Check out our #wellness #giftpackages (Insert handles for exclusive brands carried in-store). And hashtags.

💓 Tuesday: Charity Tuesday Theme - We are collaborating with (Sustainability, Local Fridges, Local School) to highlight eco-friendly product. (Insert handles and beautiful imagery.)

🌳 Wednesday: Do you have an eco-friendly, beautiful gift-wrap, exclusive card selection or sustainable brand to feature? Do it! And display your ace gift wrapping skills while you’re at it. Tell your customers they can click and collect or you’ll ship for free.

🛍 Thursday: Think big, shop small. Feature your beautiful shop’s exterior and branded hashtags. Tell your origin story.

📸 Friday: #AsSeenOnMe. Build brand ambassadors and ask your fabulous customers to share their photos, testimonials and reasons why they love your shop and products. This is a powerful way to build awareness, followers, and relationships with your customers.

📲 Saturday: Book an appointment for private shopping. Offer this up to your customers. Post a photo of architecture, a product, beautiful material or a print. Don’t forget your hashtags and branded hashtags.

📢 Sunday: Go behind the scenes and be authentic. Share something personal about you and your brand. People love to get to know you. Or share something about another shop on your high street. Share the love, support other businesses.

Don’t forget you can use these messages across your channels - be sure to customise it for each one. But that is a post for another day.

Friday Five )) RGB

Friday Five )) RGB

How the EU plans to reduce the environmental impact of raw materials

How the EU plans to reduce the environmental impact of raw materials